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Essence Sensi Créme 50ml

Product Details

The ultimate sensitive skin treatment

The Sensi Crème is a non-irritating, hypo-allergenic moisturiser specially formulated for sensitive skin. This unique cream is used to condition and coach very sensitive skin types to accept and respond (positively) to the other Annique moisturising, cleansing and nourishing products.

Application Tips:

Recondition the sensitive skin with Annique Sensi Crème: Step 1: Use the Sensi Crème as a cleanser (evenings); moisturiser (evenings and mornings) for 10 – 14 days. Step 2: Replace the Sensi Crème in your skincare routine every 10 – 14 days with ONE other Annique product. Start with the Cleanser for Normal and moving on to Skin Detox and the pH Balancing Freshener. Step 3: After another 10 – 14 days add the Annique Crème de Nuit to nourish the skin. Do not stop using the Sensi Crème as a moisturiser during the mornings and evenings. Step 4:After another 10 – 14 days add the Annique Revitalising Cream if rejuvenation is required. You can keep doing this until the Sensi Crème has been replaced by a normal skincare range of products.

Essence Sensi Créme 50ml
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