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Our story
Dr. Annique Theron fortuitously discovered the natural healing powers of Rooibos when she warmed her allergic baby’s bottle of milk, with warm Rooibos tea. It had an instant calming, soothing and healing effect. Annique set out to investigate this tea’s healing potential and published her findings for babies suffering from food allergies, eczema, insomnia and hyperactivity in her book “Allergies: An Amazing Discovery”.
This is the vision of Annique Health & Beauty, the innovative South African direct selling company that offers the market a world-class product range, based on the phenomenal efficacy of the unique Rooibos plant. Annique products not only work effectively, but also adds immeasurable value in slimming, healing, beautifying and blessing everyone who uses them. As a consultant you can earn an extra income from the comfort of your home, working flexi hours on your path to financial independence.
Contact us for a skin analysis, health analysis or order your favourite products online. If you want to earn extra money full time or part-time, send us an email to info@rooibosonthego.co.za

Annemarie: "How I beat cancer with Annique Rooibos"
In December 2014 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was a huge shock to me since I thought I lived a healthy lifestyle. The diagnosis put me on a whole new journey of discovery and today I am thankful to say that cancer never had returned. I believe Annique Rooibos has something to do with my quick recovery. This is my story....

How Annique changed my life. Here is to your future...!
Since joining Annique on a full-time basis, my life literally changed. I am so blessed to be part of a wonderful company that has an open hand when it comes to rewarding their consultants. Below are some pictures of the rewards I received on my journey with Annique Health and Beauty. It can become your story too. Contact me at 083 3310 733 to start your new future!